NOVOMATIC – Performance and innovation at EAE 2016NOVOMATIC – Inovație și performanță la EAE 2016
17 oct. 2016

NOVOMATIC – Performance and innovation at EAE 2016NOVOMATIC – Inovație și performanță la EAE 2016

From 5th to 7th of September 2016, Romexpo hosted the largest exhibition of the gambling industry in Romania. The NOVOMATIC stand was distinguished by the latest gaming technology and first class entertainment. Amongst the main novelties presented by NOVOMATIC at the tenth edition of Entertainment Arena Expo, both the extremely popular DOMINATOR® Curve cabinet and an extended V.I.P. cabinet line-up were noticed. After the overwhelming...

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Avi Barel makes great MAGIC with the impressive ARCH Slot Machine powered by Casino Technology   Avi Barel este MAGIC cu impresionantul slot-machine ARCH de la Casino Technology
15 iun. 2016

Avi Barel makes great MAGIC with the impressive ARCH Slot Machine powered by Casino Technology Avi Barel este MAGIC cu impresionantul slot-machine ARCH de la Casino Technology

The popular Romanian gaming brand MAGIC added another innovative concept of Casino Technology to its newest luxury gaming club in Bucharest offering an immersive gaming experience to all game lovers. The extraordinary ARCH Slot Machine and its dedicated full HD multi-game collection GAMOPOLIS ARCH inclusive of 20 unique titles fits perfectly to the magician message which the leading operation brand MAGIC sends to thousands followers...

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The gambling market will adjust by itself Piața de gambling se va așeza pe un făgaș normal de la sine
13 sept. 2010

The gambling market will adjust by itself Piața de gambling se va așeza pe un făgaș normal de la sine

Rule no. 1: You want to survive, try to be better! A discrete wire, Avi Barel, Chief Executive Officer at Maxbet, remains confident regarding the gambling industry development after a significant economic crisis, 2012 being the year when things will settle in their places. The “magical” ingredients of a successful business are: qualified stuff, flexible attitude and good knowledge, all shared in an exclusive interview for Casino...

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