Malta’s economy benefits from having a top notch gaming authority, what is Romania waiting for’?Economia Malteza beneficiaza de pe urma unei autoritati de gaming de top, Romania ce mai asteapta?
22 aug. 2014

Malta’s economy benefits from having a top notch gaming authority, what is Romania waiting for’?Economia Malteza beneficiaza de pe urma unei autoritati de gaming de top, Romania ce mai asteapta?

-first part- Mr. Joseph Cuschieri it’s the boss of gambling in Malta and a very good professional. In this interesting material we offer you possibility to see what is his mentality in other part of Europe about gaming, how things are done there and most important: the way they are able to bring almost 11% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Malta from gambling activities. Mr. Cuschieri, you are the Executive Chairman of the...

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