Will the Romanian teams qualify in the European Cups or are we tarring and feathering ourselves again?Se califică echipele românești în cupele europene sau ne facem iar de râs?
We are preparing for the beginning of the new season, which will start with the duels of the Romanian teams in the Champions League and Europa League qualification matches. However, football fans’ enthusiasm should not be too great, especially if we look at the odds provided by the online sports betting agencies for our teams’ qualification chances. For a long time now, only FCSB and Astra maintain our country’s coefficient at a...
2016 Euro can bring you substantial profits even before the first match of the tournament is playedEuro 2016 vă poate aduce profituri substanțiale chiar înainte de disputarea primului meci al turneului
by Valentin Macovei Bets involving choosing the winning team of a competition are not very popular, although the predictability of this type of bet is often high, compared to individual events. It is well known that the vast majority of professional bettors prefer money management strategy that involves placing bets individually, with a fixed stake. Most prefer Asian handicapping, as such, any game can be converted to a coin toss. In...