AOJND, Președinte Odeta Nestor – Precizări în legătură cu informațiile apărute în mass-media
02 oct. 2023

AOJND, Președinte Odeta Nestor – Precizări în legătură cu informațiile apărute în mass-media

Asociatia Operatorilor de Jocuri de Noroc la Distanta reprezinta principalii operatori de jocuri de noroc la distanta care detin licenta de operare in Romania. In aceasta calitate, AOJND poarta un dialog continuu cu autoritatile pentru gasirea celor mai bune solutii legislative si de reglementare, in interesul participantilor la joc, al industriei, dar si al economiei Romaniei, in general. In acest context, asociatia are aceeasi...

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The beginning of February marked the annual b2b ICE LONDON event in the European gambling industryÎnceputul lunii februarie a marcat pentru industria gamblingului european, evenimentul anual b2b ICE LONDON
18 mart. 2019

The beginning of February marked the annual b2b ICE LONDON event in the European gambling industryÎnceputul lunii februarie a marcat pentru industria gamblingului european, evenimentul anual b2b ICE LONDON

ICE Totally Gaming London is the meeting place for all gambling companies and Regulatory Authorities in the field. The event that takes place annually in London consists of international exhibitions of market gambling products, seminars and conferences for all those interested in the industry, representing the perfect opportunity to set an agenda at the beginning of the year, as well as to create partnerships. The members of the...

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The Remote Gambling Association actively supports the correct regulation of the gambling industryAsociația Jocurilor de Noroc la Distanță susține activ o reglementare corectă a industriei de jocuri de noroc
30 ian. 2019

The Remote Gambling Association actively supports the correct regulation of the gambling industryAsociația Jocurilor de Noroc la Distanță susține activ o reglementare corectă a industriei de jocuri de noroc

We will continue our actions before the Institutions authorized to protect the interests of the online gambling operators Odeta Nestor, the former President of the National Gambling Office (ONJN) and incumbent President of the Remote Gambling Organizers’ Association (AOJND), expressed concern about the future of this industry as long as the market regulations remain unpredictable. You are invited to read a very interesting material...

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