Casino Technology released new multigames with innovative concepts Casino Technology a lansat noi multi-jocuri cu concepte inovative
The latest game packs were the ultimate hit at BEGE Expo 2017 Casino Technology released new multigames with innovative concepts and presented them during BEGE Expo 2017, held in Sofia, Bulgaria. The game packs turned to be the ultimate hit at the trade show, attracting the interest of operators from the Balkans and Eastern Europe. The new game package with six titles GORILLA WHEEL™ was appretiated as an innovative solution with...
New dimensions of gaming experience with CASINO TECHNOLOGY at ICE Noi dimensiuni ale experienței de gaming aduse de CASINO TECHNOLOGY la ICE
Showcasing premier slot machines, exceptional new multigames and systems for omni channel delivery Casino Technology brings new dimension of gaming experience at the ICE Totally Gaming in London. The company showcases new line slot machines that embrace the COMBO™ trend of landbased and online gaming at one place, as well as premium and classic slots, exceptional brand new multigames and systems that enable the process of synergy and...