Comunicat EXPROGAME / A.O.P.J.N.R.: Afacerile cu sloturi, confruntate cu falimentul din cauza unei noi intenții de legiferare a O.N.J.N.!
27 mai 2021

Comunicat EXPROGAME / A.O.P.J.N.R.: Afacerile cu sloturi, confruntate cu falimentul din cauza unei noi intenții de legiferare a O.N.J.N.!

Administratorii și managerii companiilor care exploatează mijloace de joc slot-machine – joc tradițional sunt invitați să parcurgă cu atenție următoarele rânduri. EXPROGAME și A.O.P.J.N.R. îi invită să evalueze la nivelul propriilor companii impactul celei mai noi amenințări care planează din perspectivă legislativă asupra acestui sector, amenințări care, pentru unele firme, pot însemna chiar dispariția din piață! Cele două asociații...

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KAJOT brand products are of top quality and can satisfy even the most demanding clients   Produsele marca KAJOT sunt de calitate superioară și pot satisface chiar și cei mai pretențioși clienți
28 aug. 2016

KAJOT brand products are of top quality and can satisfy even the most demanding clients Produsele marca KAJOT sunt de calitate superioară și pot satisface chiar și cei mai pretențioși clienți

The 10th annual Entertainment Arena Expo, which is traditionally organised by Expo 24 Romania, will be held on 5-7 September 2016. The Entertainment Arena Expo 2016 is a spectacular Romanian international exhibition focused on the gaming industry. On this occasion, the premises of the Exhibition Center Romexpo in Bucharest will host major producers and distributors of gambling machines, casino games, roulette, jackpot, betting,...

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MERKUR GAMING – More than just a gameMERKUR GAMING – Mai mult decât un joc
26 aug. 2013

MERKUR GAMING – More than just a gameMERKUR GAMING – Mai mult decât un joc

MERKUR GAMING is the international company within the Gauselmann Group. The Gauselmann Group is Germany’s leading manufacturer and operator of gaming machines for the street market (AWPs). The Gauselmann Group was founded in 1957 by Paul Gauselmann and continues to be led by Paul Gauselmann himself. Indeed, the Gauselmann Group is a family-owned and family-managed group of companies. Throughout the decades, the German AWP market has...

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The Evolution of  DGLPRO systemsEvoluţia sistemelor DGLPRO
12 iul. 2012

The Evolution of DGLPRO systemsEvoluţia sistemelor DGLPRO

We have to mention right from beginning that Romania is a complex, dynamic and difficult market, where one does not have the luxury to make a mistake or a bad reputation; this is a market with instant reaction to the weaknesses of your product. DGLPRO had good knowledge about this market and respected the wishes of the clients trying to meet them with adequate products, ever since their first beginning. The production of game boards...

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