Anton Vlad, Entertainment Arena Expo organizer: “EAE is the main meeting place for the gambling industry in Central and Eastern Europe”Anton Vlad, organizator Entertainment Arena Expo: “EAE este principalul loc de întâlnire al industriei de gambling din Europa Centrală și de Est”
We propose a preview of the EAE’s 12th edition which will be held this year between 3-5 September at Romexpo Exhibition Centre, by this interview Anton Vlad, the organizer of this exhibition, traditional in the gambling industry. The main novelty in the 2018 edition is represented by the new hall within the exhibition center, space which shall allow organizers to carry out an event of truly international proportions, starting with...
Editorial – Here you can find everything about gambling!Editorial – Aici găsești totul despre gambling!
by INSIDER The May edition of our magazine comes with concerns in the business area regarding the future legislative framework and new ideas and trends in the operating area. As you well know by now, here you will find everything about gambling! The Cover Story proposes a corollary of the actions undertaken lately by the Romanian Bookmakers – The Patronage of Betting Organizers in Romania, in their effort in determining the...
Anton Vlad: “Anul acesta la EAE atât expozanții, cât și Expo 24 România ca organizator, vor realiza un adevărat show ce merită a fi văzut”
Expoziția Entertainment Arena Expo 2017 se anunță a fi una dintre cele mai reușite manifestări de profil care au avut loc în România în ultimii ani. Organizatorul Expo 24, prin reprezentantul său principal, dl. Anton Vlad, vă oferă în acest material exclusiv ultimele detalii despre evenimentul ce va avea loc luna viitoare în perioada 4-6 septembrie la Romexpo. Care este moștenirea cu care începe EAE în acest an? Dacă ne puteți...
Anton Vlad, CEO Expo 24 and organizer of EAE 2016: “We have the best gambling market in Central and Eastern Europe“ Anton Vlad, director general Expo 24 și organizator EAE 2016: “Avem cea mai bună piață de gambling din Europa Centrală și de Est”
As each time during the last years, our magazine gives particular attention to the most important gambling exhibit in Romania – Entertainment Arena Expo. Anton Vlad, CEO Expo 24 and organizer of EAE 2016, will give us as many details regarding this year’s EAE edition. The last year’s edition was regarded by us as one of the most successful over the last years. Please describe how you would summarize EAE 2015. ...
EAE 2015EAE 2015
This year’s gambling exhibition, Entertainment Arena Expo, has been one of the most successful of all times, something we, Casino Inside, have also felt and appreciated. In order to punctuate clearly, with dates, numbers and the opinions of the participants at this event, we decided to create an article that will analyze what happened this year at the EAE. First we present the point of view of the organizer, Expo 24, through its...