AMANET ready for Romania AMANET, gata pentru România
Next approvals for AMATIC’s online games AMANET – the online gaming division from AMATIC Industries – has been approved for play in Romania. The approval follows on from the recent announcements of AMANET being ready for play in Spain and the UK as well. “With our great experience and proven track record with our MULTI GAME brand of games, it is of utmost importance to us that we enable our customers to play these games online as...
The NEWTON TOTAL CONTROL System does it all Sistemul NEWTON TOTAL CONTROL face tot
Under the legislation, the deadline to connect to the ONJN all slot-machine games present on the Romanian ground is fast approaching. We do not have much time left until 31.12.2015, deadline set as the end date for the connection. The NEWTON Company is one of the companies working intensively in this period for connecting clients and signing new contracts. The number of organizers who choose NEWTON as their partner for this connection...
NEWTON SLOTS is 100% prepared to meet any of the ONJN’s requests NEWTON SLOTS este 100% pregătit pentru cerințele ONJN
As you probably know, the deadline to connect to the ONJN all slot-machine games present on the Romanian ground is fast approaching. We do not have much time left untill 31.12.2015, deadline set as the end date for the connection. NEWTON Company is one of the companies working intensively in this period for connecting clients and signing new contracts. The number of organizers choosing NEWTON as the partner for this connection is...
As you know, during September 2nd to 4th, took place the most important industry trade show, the exhibition was attended by some of the most popular companies at the moment, but also some of the most powerful companies in this industry NEWTON SLOTS is one of the companies that has had a resounding success in the context of this exhibition, offering the best solutions for all slot-machine land-based operators in Romania. The systems...
NEWTON, the company maintaining on first place in the top of preferences of all organizers of slot-machine in Romania, does not cease to surprise their customers in increasingly pleasant ways . NEWTON has recently announced an exclusive partnership with the Austrian company Amatic Industries. Following this partnership, on the Romanian market you will soon see an invasion, both of slant-tops and up-rights, of new generation,...