The Code of ethics on responsible commercial communication – beta version?Codul etic de comunicare comercială responsabilă – versiunea beta?
by Alina Dumitru and Andrei Cosma – NESTOR NESTOR DICULESCU KINGSTON PETERSEN In previous articles, we reviewed a series of regulatory initiatives or draft laws that, in the event of their entry into force, would generate a strong impact for the local gambling industry. However, all these lex ferenda proposals did not come from the gambling regulator, but from other authorities whose scope of competence extends also to the gambling...
by INSIDER We are very always pleased to see our customers satisfied, but such positive feedback following an appearance in our magazine is truly a dream come true! This is what we are working for: to help you achieve your goals, to help you communicate according to the highest possible standards. Keep on reading us, support us more and we will always be there for you! Go to page 3! This edition is wicked awesome! An issue filled with...
A new premiere in the Romanian gambling industryO nouă premieră în industria de gambling din România
Text by Ana-Maria Baciu și Alina Dumitru – NESTOR NESTOR DICULESCU KINGSTON PETERSEN If in the previous article we were telling you about another critical event for organizing the practice in the Romanian gambling industry, respectively about the publication, on February 26, 2016, in the Official Gazette, of the long-awaited Methodological Norms for the implementation of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 77/2009 regarding the...
A new secondary legislation comes in support of the gambling sector. Step by step, the legal framework outlines itself as a wholeO nouă legislație secundară vine să sprijine domeniul jocurilor de noroc. Încet-încet cadrul legislativ se conturează în ansamblu
by Ana-Maria Baciu şi Alina Dumitru – NESTOR NESTOR DICULESCU KINGSTON PETERSEN In the current context of unlocking the online gambling market, when, after a long stay in the „waiting room”, organizers (which applied and also met the requirements imposed by the National Office for gaming) were granted, for the first time, the right to lawfully operate in Romania, the adoption of methodological rules that are...
The technical regulations with respect to the central IT system of remote gambling operators in Romania: no longer a misteryReglementările tehnice cu privire la sistemul informatic centralizator al operatorilor de jocuri de noroc la distanţă în România: un mister spulberat
by Ana-Maria Baciu şi Alina Dumitru – NESTOR NESTOR DICULESCU KINGSTON PETERSEN Following the numerous discussions on the IT software requirements that remote gambling operators in Romania should fulfill, the long-awaited technical regulations were published on August 12th, 2015, on the National Office for Gambling (NOG) website – thus removing the uncertainty of this subject and providing a first support to online...