EuroVegas’ gambling complex near Madrid    EuroVegas lângă Madrid
15 feb. 2013

EuroVegas’ gambling complex near Madrid EuroVegas lângă Madrid

One of Europe’s biggest building sites, creating tens of thousands of jobs, a vast complex of hotels, casinos and conference centers – possibly complete with a replica of New York’s Times Square will emerge from the dusty fields outside Madrid, Spain. The first, $9.8bn stage of the project is due to open in 2017. That will be just the first phase of transforming the three square mile site into a gambling and conference...

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Sheldon Adelson ar putea lua o decizie rapida in cea ce priveste constructia EuroVegas-ului
14 mai 2012

Sheldon Adelson ar putea lua o decizie rapida in cea ce priveste constructia EuroVegas-ului

Sheldon Adelson a făcut o scurtă vizită la Alcorcon, în încercarea de a examina zona de amplasare a EuroVegasului. Proiectul, care spun promotorii va costa un total de 17 de miliarde de euro, şi va  creea 180.000 de locuri de muncă atât direct, cât şi în industriile conexe, ar vedea construcţia de 6 cazinouri, 12 hoteluri cu un total de 36.000 de camere, 9 teatre şi 3 terenuri de golf. Mass-media spaniola a declarat că ecologiştii au...

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Bet and Wynn
13 nov. 2011

Bet and Wynn

Macau has long been a gambling haven for Hong Kongers and Chinese alike, however the spate of new Casinos is attracting gamblers from all over the World. Since being handed back to China in 1999, Macau gambling has undergone a boom. The city is now the World’s number one gambling operation, surpassing Las Vegas. Background Macau currently has more than 30 casinos, based both in the city centre and the Cotai Strip. Macau — a...

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