Bet Cafe Arena, a new successful concept in the local marketBet Cafe Arena, un concept de succes pe piața locală
Iulian Antonache, Bet Cafe Arena’s CEO: “We base on our partners GTECH, our shareholders and, last but not least, on BET CAFE ARENA team, to become leaders in the Romanian sports bets market” Iulian Antonache, Bet Cafe Arena’s CEO:”We plan to open 400 agencies by the end of 2012” Bet Cafe Arena brings a new breath in the Romanian sports bets market. Bets inside a coffee house. A new concept, destined to those who want to stake on...
1×2 Bet Cafe Arena- a new concept on the betting market1×2 Bet Cafe Arena – un nou concept de afaceri în domeniul pariurilor sportive
1×2 Bet Cafe Arena was launched on the local market with a new business concept: the first coffee shop of sports betting in Romania ( The core business of 1×2 Bet Cafe Arena is to provide an entertainment centre which offers the opportunity to bet on various sports events, to play on jackpot electronic game machines and to enjoy, at the same time the quality services of a coffee shop. The concept is...
1×2 Bet Cafe Arena was launched for the first time on the Romanian Market1×2 Bet Cafe Arena s-a lansat în premieră pe piaţa din România
1×2 Bet Cafe Arena opened on Monday, 7th of June, within the atmosphere of a spectacular event organized inside Heritage restaurant. The event revealed the concept of 1×2 Bet Cafe Arena, the first coffee shop of sports betting in Romania. The core of 1×2 Bet Cafe Arena is the entertainment centre that offers the opportunity to bet on various sports events and play the jackpot electronic game machines, enjoying at the...
Lansare în premieră pe piaţa din România, 1×2 Bet Cafe Arena – un nou concept de afaceri în domeniul pariurilor sportive
Bucureşti, 8 iunie 2010 – 1X2 Bet Cafe Arena se lansează pe piaţa din România aducând un nou concept de afaceri: prima cafenea de pariuri sportive din ţara noastră. În esenţă, 1×2 Bet Cafe Arena reprezintă un centru de divertisment ce oferă posibilitatea de a paria pe evenimente sportive variate sau de a juca la mașini electronice cu câștiguri şi, în același timp, de a beneficia de servicii de calitate de tip cafenea. Conceptul...