joi, 22 august 2019

SUZOHAPP’s Sim Bielak Named President of Global Gaming & Amusement BusinessSim Bielak a fost numit President of Global Gaming & Amusement Business al SUZOHAPP

SUZOHAPP is pleased to announce the appointment of Sim Bielak to the position of President of Global Gaming & Amusement Business.


Bielak brings with him an extensive background in sales, business development and marketing. He joined SUZOHAPP in 2013 and served most recently in the role of Chief Marketing Officer. Prior to SUZOHAPP, Bielak ran the global gaming business for Crane Payment Solutions, achieving a high degree of success. This new role will allow him to leverage his experience and relationships to drive growth within this valued area of the SUZOHAPP business.

Sim Bielak President of Global Gaming Amusement Business at SUZOHAPP

“I am thrilled to have someone of Sim’s caliber running our core Gaming & Amusement business,” said Ken Brotman, Managing Director. “Sim knows this business well and will bring the knowledge and energy needed to serve our customers well and deliver strong results for our company.”


Current developments within the industry indicate solid growth in the Casino sector and exciting potential in the emerging Sports Betting market. At the same time, the industry is consolidating and the players are becoming more global. Bielak’s new global approach to the business will align well with this environment. Customers want the simplicity and efficiency that comes from working with global suppliers, rather than having to manage many local or regional suppliers. SUZOHAPP’s global operation will be able to deliver that efficiency, while maintaining a local approach to customer relationship development and service.


“The Global Gaming & Amusement industry is evolving very rapidly,” said Bielak. “With solid existing core market growth and emerging markets development, we can innovate and grow our share. With industry consolidation, we can leverage our global operation to deliver efficiency better than anyone else. I am excited to take on this new challenge in an industry that I really enjoy being a part of!”Compania SUZOHAPP este fericita sa anunte numirea lui Sim Bielak in pozitia de President of Global Gaming & Amusement Business incepand cu data de 3 Iunie 2019.


Bielak detine un background vast in vanzari, business development si marketing. S-a alaturat companiei SUZOHAPP in 2013 si a ocupat in ultima perioada functia de Chief Marketing Officer. Inainte de SUZOHAPP, Bielak a condus divizia de gaming la Crane Payment Solutions atingand un inalt grad de succes. Acest nou rol ii va permite sa isi foloseasca experienta si relatiile pentru a creste aceasta valoroasa parte din businessul SUZOHAPP.

Sim Bielak President of Global Gaming Amusement Business at SUZOHAPP

“Sunt incantat sa avem pe cineva de calibrul lui Sim la conducerea diviziei Gaming & Amusement” a declarat Ken Brotman, Managing Director. “ Sim cunoaste foarte bine businessul si va aduce experienta si energia necesara pentru a servii foarte bine clientii si a aduce rezultate puternice pentru compania noastra”.


Actualii dezvoltatori din industrie au indicat cresteri solide in sectorul de Cazino si Sports Betting. In acelasi timp, industria se consolideaza si jucatorii devin globali. Noua abordare de business global a lui Bielak se va alinia bine pe acest nou mediu. Clientii doresc simplitatea si eficacitatea ce vine din colaborarea cu supplier globali, in locul colaborarii cu supplieri locali si regionali. Operatiunile globale ale SUZOHAPP vor putea sa ofere acea eficienta in timp ce mentin apropierea locala fata de relatia cu clientii in cea ce priveste dezvoltarea si service-ul.


“Industria globala de gaming si amusement  evolueaza foarte rapid” a spus Bielak. “Cu piete stabile in crestere si piete emergente in dezvoltare, putem inova si creste share-ul. Odata cu consolidarea industriei, ne putem extinde operatiunile globale pentru a oferii eficienta mai bine decat oricine altcineva. Sunt fericit preiau aceasta noua provocare intr-o industrie din care imi face placer sa fac parte!”


Author: Editor

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