sâmbătă, 11 august 2012

London Poker Festival Schedule AnnouncedProgramul London Poker Festival a fost anunțat

Details of the London Poker Festival in September have just been announced by the event´s organisers and, like the Olympics, there are plenty of events, multiple venues and the London Underground to negotiate. Like the Olympics, it may take years of dedication before you succeed in any of the events but – unlike the Olympics – lardy blokes can participate, girls can play in the same games as boys, and you don´t get disqualified for taking an illegal substance the night before an event.

So far, 80 events have been confirmed offering more than £1 million in guaranteed prize money and each of the participating casinos will be hosting cash games throughout September to compliment the feature events in the London Poker Festival. The full schedule is available at londonpokerfestival.com but we have listed some of the highlights below. It is recommended that players contact the individual venues to request details of registration and membership requirements.






Sat 1st Fox Super Saturday



Fox Club, Shaftesbury Ave
Every Saturday throughout the Festival
Mon 3rd Palm Beach Big Game



Palm Beach, Berkeley Sq
Big names regularly attend this popular event
Thurs 6th London Poker Festival Players Party


Genting Casino, Cromwell Rd
Cash games, £50 freezeout and free buffet
Sat 8th Fox Club Main Event (2 Days)



Fox Club, Shaftesbury Ave
25,000 starting chips and a £25,000 prize pool
Thurs 13th Unibet Open Main Event (Day 1A of 4)



Aspers, Olympic Park
Unibet MMHU Heads-Up starts same day!
Fri 14th Big Bluff Five-O (3 Days)



Big Bluff, Palmers Green
50,000 starting chips and a £50,000 prize pool
Fri 14th Unibet Open Ladies Event (2 Days)



Aspers, Olympic Park
Ladies only for this two-day freezeout event
Fri 14th LCI London Main Event (4 Days)



Empire Casino, Leicester Sq
Caesars Entertainment comes to London!
Mon 17th British Poker Awards


HMS President, Embankment
Your Vote Counts at the British Poker Awards
Tues 18th English Poker Open (Day 1A of 4)



Fox Club, Shaftesbury Ave
Qualify online at Lock Poker
Wed 19th GUKPT Omaha Pot Limit Freezeout



Victoria Casino, Edgware Rd
One of many events supporting GUKPT ME
Thurs 20th GUKPT Main Event (Day 1A of 3)



Victoria Casino, Edgware Rd
Qualify online at William Hill Poker
Sun 23rd GUKPT 6-Max Freezeout



Victoria Casino, Edgware Rd
Also Bounty Tournament and £500 freezeout
Mon 24th Western September Festival Week



Western Club, Western Ave
Daily £150 tournies with £17,500 guarantee
Fri 28th 888.com Superstack Series (Day 1 of 3)



Genting Casino, Cromwell Rd
Qualify at 888.com for as little as $1.35

Organizatorii evenimentului Festivalul de Poker din Londra din septembrie tocmai au anuțat detalii cu privire la acesta, care asemenea Jocurilor Olimpice, implică o mulțime de evenimente, mai multe locaţii şi negocieri subterane londoneze. Ca și în cazul Jocurilor Olimpice, poate fi nevoie de ani de dăruire pentru a reuşi la oricare dintre evenimente, dar spre deosebire de Jocurile Olimpice aici pot participa și cei supraponderali, fetele pot juca în acelaşi jocuri cu băieţii şi nu ești descalificat pentru consumarea unei substanţe ilegale cu o noapte înainte de un eveniment.

Până în prezent, au fost confirmate 80 de evenimente, oferind premii garantate în bani în valoare de peste 1 milion £ şi fiecare dintre cazinourile participante va găzdui jocuri în numerar pe parcursul lunii septembrie pentru a complimenta caracteristicile evenimentelor de la Festivalul de Poker de la Londra. Programul complet este disponibil la londonpokerfestival.com, dar enumerăm mai jos unele dintre evenimentele de referință. Se recomandă ca jucătorii să contacteze individual locațiile pentru a solicita detalii privind înregistrarea și dobândirea calității de membru.






Sat 1st Fox Super Saturday



Fox Club, Shaftesbury Ave
Every Saturday throughout the Festival
Mon 3rd Palm Beach Big Game



Palm Beach, Berkeley Sq
Big names regularly attend this popular event
Thurs 6th London Poker Festival Players Party


Genting Casino, Cromwell Rd
Cash games, £50 freezeout and free buffet
Sat 8th Fox Club Main Event (2 Days)



Fox Club, Shaftesbury Ave
25,000 starting chips and a £25,000 prize pool
Thurs 13th Unibet Open Main Event (Day 1A of 4)



Aspers, Olympic Park
Unibet MMHU Heads-Up starts same day!
Fri 14th Big Bluff Five-O (3 Days)



Big Bluff, Palmers Green
50,000 starting chips and a £50,000 prize pool
Fri 14th Unibet Open Ladies Event (2 Days)



Aspers, Olympic Park
Ladies only for this two-day freezeout event
Fri 14th LCI London Main Event (4 Days)



Empire Casino, Leicester Sq
Caesars Entertainment comes to London!
Mon 17th British Poker Awards


HMS President, Embankment
Your Vote Counts at the British Poker Awards
Tues 18th English Poker Open (Day 1A of 4)



Fox Club, Shaftesbury Ave
Qualify online at Lock Poker
Wed 19th GUKPT Omaha Pot Limit Freezeout



Victoria Casino, Edgware Rd
One of many events supporting GUKPT ME
Thurs 20th GUKPT Main Event (Day 1A of 3)



Victoria Casino, Edgware Rd
Qualify online at William Hill Poker
Sun 23rd GUKPT 6-Max Freezeout



Victoria Casino, Edgware Rd
Also Bounty Tournament and £500 freezeout
Mon 24th Western September Festival Week



Western Club, Western Ave
Daily £150 tournies with £17,500 guarantee
Fri 28th 888.com Superstack Series (Day 1 of 3)



Genting Casino, Cromwell Rd
Qualify at 888.com for as little as $1.35


Author: Editor

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