sâmbătă, 7 aprilie 2012

Konami Gaming, Inc. and DRGT distribution agreementParteneriat între Konami Gaming Inc. și DRGT

DRGT becomes exclusive distributor for Konami in Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg

Konami Gaming Inc. and DRGT are pleased to jointly announce the new distributor agreement between Konami Gaming Inc. and DR Gaming Technology (DRGT) from Belgium. The signed agreement passes on the responsibility for distribution, service and sales of Konami slot machines to DRGT in three key European countries – namely Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg.

The popularity of Konami slots in the global gaming market continues to grow as they bring new and exciting games and cabinets to players all around the world. Now the great combination of stepper slots (the Advantage series) and video-based slots (Podium) are available in three more European countries. Add to this the premium cabinet – the Advantage Revolution Premium which is a change to the status quo as this new slot machine features two high-definition video screens combined with traditional mechanical reels that switch back and forth to keep players engaged and entertained longer. The rotating reel box with 3 different play areas creates a variety of bonus game options – bringing a unique gaming experience to any gaming location.

Mr. Jovica Perovic, director of international sales at Konami Gaming, Inc., states, “Konami and DRGT share many of the same objectives, both providing slot products that enhances casino patrons experience and simultaneously providing operators with new and unique games that will increase revenue and drive businesses forward. This agreement additionally proves Konami’s continuous commitment to expand its product presence in Europe by partnering with reputable and well-established distributors to offer the latest products to players throughout the important markets in this territory”.

Mr. Joost van Egeraat, sales director at DRGT, enthuses, “This agreement underlines our firm commitment to bring the best gaming solutions to the marketplace. Our gaming machine distribution division has been decisively strengthened by this agreement. We are very proud to be supporting Konami in Germany, Belgium and Luxembourg. Konami is the word on the gaming street. We have already in this short period of time signed our first agreement with a German casino to deliver Konami slots”.

For more details, please contact Mr. Bas Wilhelm of DRGT at bas@drgt.com or +32 485 879 069.

About DR Gaming Technology (DRGT)

DRGT from Belgium is a leading distributor of premium slot machines in Western Europe. Furthermore, DRGT is an independent provider of systems solutions. Having integrated Systems in Progress in 2011, this synergy has enabled even further player-centric, highly technological systems solutions. For more information, please visit www.drgt.com

About Konami Gaming, Inc.

Konami Gaming, Inc., is a Las Vegas based subsidiary of KONAMI CORPORATION (NYSE: KNM).  The company is a leading provider of slot machines and casino management systems for the global gaming market.  For more information about Konami Gaming, Inc., please visit www.konamigaming.comKonami Gaming Inc. a încheiat un parteneriat cu DR Gaming Technology (DRGT) din Belgia, în ceea ce privește distribuția, serviciile și vânzările jocurilor automate Konami către DRGT în trei țări europene: Germania, Belgia și Luxemburg.

Popularitatea jocurilor Konami pe piața globală de gaming continuă să crească pe măsură ce compania introduce jocuri noi și interesante pentru utilizatorii din întreaga lume. Recent, jocurile din seria Advantage și Podium au fost făcute disponibile în alte trei țări europene.

Jovica Perovic, director de vînzări internaționale în cadrul companiei Konami Gaming Inc., a precizat într-o declarație de presă că DRGT și Konami au multe obiective comune, ambele furnizând jocuri automate care îmbunătățesc experiența utilizatorilor, dar, în același timp, dezvoltă afacerile operatorilor și îi ajută să-și mărească veniturile.

Parteneriatul demonstrează angajamentul companiei Konami pentru dezvoltarea liniei sale de produse în Europa, prin afilierea cu distributori cu reputație.

”Acest parteneriat subliniază obiectivul companiei noastre de a introduce cele mai bune soluții de gaming pe piață. Suntem foarte mândri că susținem compania Konami în Germania, Belgia și Luxemburg”, a declarat Joost van Egeraat, director de vânzări al DRGT, menționând că firma sa a semnat deja cu un cazinou german în vederea distribuției jocurilor Konami.

Author: Editor

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