Olympic Casino Bora Bora nu se dezminte si a antrenat, in stilul specific, zeci de oameni la distractie pentru a simti cat mai bine trecerea intr-un nou an, fie el dupa calendarul iulian sau gregorian. Pe stil nou, stil vechi, cu totii s-au distrat la maxim pe 15 ianuarie, cand mintile domnilor au fost bine ravasite de miscarile ademenitoare ale rusoaicelor de la Flamingo Girls. Sexul feminin s-a desfatat si el, ascultand si dansand pe ritmurile melodiilor traditionale si moderne cantate de Radu Captari, cunoscutul artist din Republica Moldova, intr-un recital de-ti venea sa tot torni vodka in pahare. Nici sampania sau cockteil-urile n-au lipsit, insa rusii au ramas fideli bauturii lor preferate.
ombinatia a fost perfecta! O seara ruseasca in adevaratul sens al cuvantului, cu momente picante date de exotismul cazinoului Olympic Bora Bora. Ruleta, Poker, Blackjack au completat atmosfera euforica, din care toti au iesit castigatori.
Stalin sau Lenin sigur ar fi fost invidiosi!
The Olympic Casino Bora Bora kept its reputation on the roll with its particular style, by keeping its numerous guests entertained for a nice New Years Eve Cross, either they were using Julian of Gregorian calendar. Having new or old traditions, they all had a great time on January 15, when the minds of the gentlemen were nicely ″shaked″ by the inviting moves of the Russians beauties from Flamingo Girls. The feminine part had its moments of pleasure, by dancing and listening to the traditional and modern songs of Radu Captari, the very known artist from the Republic of Moldavia. His show made the listeners keep the vodka coming. Neither the champagne nor the coktails were missing, but the Russians stuck to their favourite drink.
The mix was just perfect! A true Russian night, with juicy moments offered by the exotic character of Olympic Bora Bora Casino. Roulette, Poker, Blackjack, they all made the euforic atmosphere complete, leaving only winners behind.
It is for sure that Lenin or Stalin would have been jealous!
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