NSoft has successfully entered Deloitte’s competition of 50 fastest growing companies in Central Europe. The Deloitte Central Europe Technology Fast 50 programme, which is now in its 17th year, ranks the 50 fastest-growing tech companies in the region based on revenue growth over a four-year period (2012-2015). Eligibility criteria for Fast 50 that NSoft had to meet:
- Develops a technology related product or service that contributes to a significant portion of the company’s operating revenues.
- Devote a significant portion of revenues to research and development of technology.
- Operating revenues of at least €50,000 in each of the past 4 years. Exchange rates are based on annual average given by the central bank of the company’s respective national currency.
- Be in business for a minimum of 4 years.
- Ownership structure that excludes majority-owned subsidiaries of strategic entities.
- Be headquartered within one of the following Central European countries:
- Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, or Slovenia
While this is yet another proof that NSoft is on a right path and that its products are well recognized and accepted on the market, its success story is not something that happened by chance. Eight years of experience is behind NSoft.
A combination of great products, great people and everyday effort are the only recipe for success. 2016 was an amazing year for NSoft, where the significant market success was made with SEVEN Platform, groundbreaking product which helped entering new markets.
NSoft considers every “impossible” to be yet another challenge and a new opportunity to prove its preeminence and strive only for the best. Through innovation and constant education, the perpetual change of this technology driven business is embraced. Ideas that are born as a result of the quest for advancement are always shared with the partners. Precisely, it is the additional value, which helps NSoft to cultivate long-term partnerships and further expand its imprint on the gaming industryNSoft a intrat cu succes in competitia Deloitte care vizeaza cele 50 de companii cu cea mai mare crestere din Europa Centrala. Programul Deloitte Central Europe Technology Fast 50, are deja o istorie de 17 ani si claseaza top 50 de companii din regiune in functie de veniturile obtinute pe o perioada de 4 ani (2012-2015). Criterile de eligibilitate pe care NSoft a trebuit sa le indeplineasca pentru a intra in program sunt urmatoarele:
- Dezvoltarea unui produs sau unui serviciu tehnologic, care sa contribuie cu o proportie semnificativa la veniturile companiei.
- Dedicarea unei parti semnificative din venituri catre cercetarea si dezvoltarea de noi tehnologii.
- Obtinerea de venituri de minim €50,000 in fiecare din cei 4 ani trecuti.
- Compania sa functioneze minim 4 ani.
- Structura patronala sa excluda subsidiare ale entitatilor strategice.
- Sa aiba sediul central intr-una din tarile care fac parte din Europa Centrala: Albania, Bosnia-Hertegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cehia, Estonia, Ungaria, Kosovo, Letonia, Lituania, Macedonia, Moldova, Muntenegru, Polonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovacia si Slovenia.
Aceasta nominalizare este inca o dovada ca NSoft se afla pe calea cea buna si produsele sale sunt recunoscute si acceptate pe piata, povestea sa de succes nefiind intamplatoare. Opt ani de experianta se afla in spatele NSoft.
Combinatia de produse si oameni grozavi precum si efort zilnic sunt singura reteta pentru succes. 2016 a fost un an foarte bun pentru NSoft succesul inregistrat pe piete importante datorandu-se platformei SEVEN , un produs care a spart barierele si a ajutat in acelasi timp penetrare de noi piete.
NSoft considera „imposibilul“ ca fiind o noua provocare si o noua oportunitate de a-si demonstra incisivitatea si dorinta de munca pentru a devenii cel mai bun. Inovatia si invatarea, updatarea continua a tehnologiei este ideea de business imbratisata. Ideile nascute ca si rezultat al dorintei de a avansa sunt intodeauna impartasite cu partenerii. Mai exact este valoarea adaugata care ajuta NSoft sa cultive parteneriate pe termen lung si sa-si extinda impactul asupra industriei de gaming.