Muzica live in Regent Casino / Live Music in Regent Casino
Regent Casino din incinta hotelului Novotel si-a propus ca fiecare inceput de week-end sa debuteze cu muzica live. La fel s-a intamplat si intruna din zilele de vineri cand de buna dispozitie s-a ocupat Daniel – The Black Scorpion, originar din Insule Caraibe, care a incantat auditoriul cu hituri mai vechi si mai noi, creand o atmosfera de vacanta pe plaje insorite, de cocktail-uri savurate la maxim intr-o croaziera de vis, totul in plina iarna. Muzica live i-a atras pe toti la dans pe stiluri de reggae, chacha, salsa sau mirengae, paharele s-au umplut non stop cu bauturile favorite si buna dispozitie a tinut pana noaptea tarziu. Asa se intampla mereu cand totul e live!
Regent Casino from within Novotel Hotel set as an objective to start every weekend with live music. This is what happened on a Friday night, when the entertainer was Daniel-The Black Scorpion, native of the Caribbean Islands. He managed to delight the audience with both old and new hits, creating a holiday like atmosphere, which reminded of sunny beaches, of cocktails enjoyed on every sip, in a dream cruise, all these in the middle of winter. Live music called everyone to dance, whether it was reggae, cha-cha, salsa or merengue. The favorite drinks of the guests kept on coming, while the good mood kept on the entire night. This is what always happens when everything is live!
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