Lyle Berman, business and poker Lyle Berman, afaceri și poker
Lyle Arnold Berman is businessman, poker player, WSOP bracelet winner and chairman of the World Poker Tour board. So, it’s a high-stakes poker player with a fierce entrepreneurial streak. And for the most part, his risk-taking has paid off. In the 1970s, when leather goods were seen as upscale, he transformed his family’s small leather-wholesaling company into a mass-market retailer. He burst onto the gaming scene with Grand Casinos Inc., the first operator to spot opportunities managing Indian casinos in Minnesota and in dockside gambling along the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Education and first business
Berman grew up in Minnesota and attended the University of Minnesota where he was graduated in 1964 with a degree in business administration. He then went to work for his father’s leather business, Berman Buckskin. When the business was sold to W. R. Grace in 1979, he stayed on as president and CEO. The company was then later sold to the Melville Corporation where it became Wilsons Leather. From 1994 to 2000 he was the chairman and CEO of the Rainforest Cafe chain of restaurants and retail stores.
Berman began playing tournaments in the mid-1980’s, with his first memory coming from when he knocked Tom McEvoy out of one of the first events he ever played. Although he didn’t play much, he always tried to play in the bigger events. In 1994 he won first place at Amarillo Slim’s Super Bowl of Poker in the $500 Pot Limit Omaha event, winning $97,750. His success at the World Series of Poker has been even greater. He won his first of three WSOP bracelets in 1989, defeating all comers in the $1,500 Limit Omaha event, winning $108,600. Number two came in 1992, winning $192,000 in the $2,500 No Limit Hold’em event. Number three came just two years later, winning $128,000 in the $5,000 No Limit Hold’em Deuce to 7 Draw Event. On top of three bracelets he also finished second three times. He has shown that despite calling No Limit Hold’em his best game, he can hold his own at any game thrown in front of him. Berman has also found success on his own WPT, finishing in the money of three tournaments. His career tournament earnings are approaching three million dollars.
Big Business
Berman also played an important role in gaming companies. In 1990 he was a co-founder of Grand Casinos, a company that sought to create gambling establishments outside of Las Vegas and Atlantic City. It was identified by Fortune Magazine as the fastest growing company in America, and in culmination, 1998 brought the substantial merger of Hilton Casinos and Grand Casinos, with the formation of the Lakes Gaming Corporation as a spin-off company.
World Poker Tour
Lyle might have been happy with the immense growth of his casino operations and innumerable business successes under his belt, but it can’t be said that he will pass up a promising new business opportunity.
In 2001, Lyle agreed to meet with Steve Lipscomb to discuss a proposition to televise poker tournaments. It had the ingredients of a successful venture, including Lyle’s gut feeling to invest in the idea. With the blessings of Lakes’ Board of Directors, the finances were in place, and the first tournament was held, taped and offered for sale. The Travel Channel entered into an agreement with Lakes to air the first season of the World Poker Tour.
WPT Enterprises broke from Lakes in order to become a public company in 2004, but Lyle, who had the confidence to back the project from the beginning, remains deeply committed and sits on the board of directors of WPTE. He plays an integral role in the company’s decisions to license its products, broadcast its shows internationally, and find new ways to market the ever-growing WPT brand.
Lyle Berman has made a living from keeping an open mind and making sound investments and wise business decisions. Through these qualities and a tremendous amount of life experience, he has gained the respect of the business world and the poker community alike.
He has recently had a book published, aptly named „I’m All In”. The autobiography gives a considerable insight into his upbringing, work ethic, family and friends, and the secrets to his successful life so far.
Awards & Results
He won the B’nai B’rith Great American Traditions award in 1995 and the Gaming Executive of the Year award in 1996.
In 2005, Lyle Berman competed in the National Heads Up Championship. He finished in fifth place losing to eventual champion Phil Hellmuth Jr.
Although he prefers high-stakes cash games, he has as of 2009 won over $2,500,000 in live poker tournaments. His 16 cashes at the WSOP account for $1,446,317 of those winnings. He was inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame in 2002.
According to the James McManus book Positively Fifth Street, Berman has bankrolled T. J. Cloutier in numerous poker tournaments, including the 2000 WSOP main event, where he finished 2nd. Berman currently resides in Plymouth, Minnesota and has 4 children.
The best poker results:
16th Annual World Series of Poker Event #2 – WSOP Limit Hold’em |
2nd |
$68,400 |
May 5, 1985 |
18th Annual World Series of Poker Event #7 – WSOP Pot Limit Omaha |
2nd |
$108,750 |
May 6, 1987 |
2005 National Heads-Up Poker Championship No Limit Hold’em |
6th |
$75,000 |
Mar 5, 2005 |
20th Annual World Series of Poker Event #1 – WSOP Limit Omaha |
1st |
$108,600 |
May 1, 1989 |
20th Annual World Series of Poker Event #14 – WSOP World Championship – No Limit Hold’em |
5th |
$67,950 |
May 14, 1989 |
23rd Annual World Series of Poker Event #16 – WSOP No Limit Hold’em |
1st |
$192,000 |
May 7, 1992 |
25th Annual World Series of Poker Event #20 – WSOP No Limit Deuce to Seven Lowball |
1st |
$128,250 |
May 5, 1994 |
28th Annual World Series of Poker Event #16 – WSOP No Limit Deuce to Seven Lowball |
2nd |
$91,250 |
May 4, 1997 |
31st Annual World Series of Poker Event #12 – WSOP No Limit Deuce to Seven Lowball |
2nd |
$81,250 |
May 4, 2000 |
39th World Series of Poker 2008 Event #45 – WSOP H.O.R.S.E World Championship |
5th |
$444,000 |
Jun 25, 2008 |
41st World Series of Poker 2010 Event #2 – WSOP PLAYERS CHAMPIONSHIP. Omaha Hi/Lo Limit Hold’em, Seven Card Razz, Seven Card Stud, Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo, No Limit Hold’em, Pot Limit Omaha, 2-7 Triple Draw Lowball |
12th |
$129,957 |
May 28, 2010 |
World Poker Finals / WPT Event Season 4 WPT Main Event – No Limit Hold’em |
5th |
$345,000 |
Nov 18, 2005 |
WPT World Championship / WPT Event Season 5 WPT No Limit Hold’em Championship |
29th |
$92,820 |
Apr 27, 2007 |
Residence | Plymouth, Minnesota |
Born | August 6, 1941 (age 72) |
World Series of Poker |
Bracelets | 3 |
Money finishes | 16 |
Highest ITM Main Event finish |
5th, 1989 |
World Poker Tour |
Titles | None |
Final tables | 1 |
Money finishes | 3 |
Lyle Arnold Berman este om de afaceri, jucător de poker, câştigător de brăţări WSOP şi preşedinte al Consiliului de Administrație al lui World Poker Tour. Deci, este un jucător de poker pe mize mari cu un talent antreprenorial feroce. Şi, în mare parte, a avut de câștigat din riscurile pe care și le-a asumat. În anii 1970, când produsele din piele erau considerate a fi de lux, el a transformat mica firmă de comercializare a produselor din piele a familiei sale într-un retailer de piață cu volum mare de vânzări. Acesta a năvălit pe scena jocurilor de noroc cu Grand Casinos Inc, primul operator care a reperat oportunităţile apărute din gestionarea cazinourilor indiene din Minnesota şi din zona ferită a gamblingului aflată de-a lungul coastei Golfului Mississippi.
Educație și prima afacere
Berman a crescut în Minnesota şi a urmat Universitatea din Minnesota, absolvind în anul 1964, cu specializare în administrarea afacerilor. Apoi a lucrat pentru afacerea cu produse din piele a tatălui său, Berman Buckskin. În 1979 când afacerea i-a fost vândută lui W. R. Grace, acesta a rămas în calitate de preşedinte şi CEO. Mai târziu compania a fost vândută lui Melville Corporation unde aceasta a devenit Wilsons Leather. Din 1994 până în 2000 el a fost preşedinte şi CEO al lanţului de restaurante şi magazine Rainforest Cafe.
Berman a început să joace în turnee pe la mijlocul anilor 1980, primul lucru pentru care a devenit cunoscut a fost momentul în care l-a învins pe Tom McEvoy la unul dintre primele evenimente la care a jucat vreodată. Deşi nu a jucat mult, el întotdeauna a încercat să joace în evenimente mai mari. În 1994, el a câştigat primul loc la Amarillo Slim Super Bowl of Poker la evenimentul Pot Limit Omaha de 500$, câştigând 97.750$. Succesul său la World Series of Poker a fost chiar mai mare. El a câştigat prima din cele trei brăţări WSOP ale sale în 1989, învingându-i pe toți cei intrați la evenimentul Omaha Limit cu buy-in de 1.500$, câştigând suma de 108.600$. A doua brățară a venit în 1992, când a câştigat 192.000$ în evenimentul No Limit Hold’em 2.500$. Brățara cu numărul trei a sosit cu doar doi ani mai târziu, câştigând 128.000$ la evenimentul No Limit Hold’em Deuce to 7 Draw cu buy-in de 5.000$. Pe lângă cele trei brăţări, de asemenea, el a terminat de trei ori pe locul doi. El a arătat că în ciuda faptului că declară că No Limit Hold’em este jocul la care se pricepe cel mai bine, poate să câștige bani la orice joc ar juca. Berman a termina cu succes în propriul WPT, terminând în bani în trei turnee. Câștigurile lui din turnee se apropie de 3 milioane de dolari.
Afaceri Mari
Berman a jucat, de asemenea, un rol important în companiile de gaming. În 1990 a fost co-fondator al lui Grand Casinos, o companie care a căutat să creeze spații de jocuri de noroc în afara Las Vegas-ului şi a lui Atlantic City. Aceasta a fost identificată de revista Fortune ca fiind compania cu cea mai rapidă creştere din America iar punctul culminant, în 1998, a adus fuziunea substanţială dintre Hilton Casinos și Grand Casinos, cu formarea companiei secundare Lakes Gaming Corporation.
World Poker Tour
Poate că Lyle era fericit cu creşterea imensă a operaţiunilor sale de cazinou şi nenumăratele succese ale afacerilor sale, dar nu se poate spune că el putea trece cu vederea o nouă oportunitate promiţătoare de business.
În 2001, Lyle a convenit să se întâlnească cu Steve Lipscomb pentru a discuta despre o propunere de a televiza turneele de poker. Afacerea a avut toate componentele unui business de succes, inclusiv instinctul lui Lyle de a investi în idee. Cu binecuvântarea Consiliului de Administraţie Lakes, finanţele au fost puse în joc şi a avut loc primul turneu, înregistrat şi pus în vânzare. Travel Channel a intrat într-un acord cu Lakes pentru difuzarea primului sezon World Poker Tour.
WPT Enterprises s-a rupt din Lakes pentru a deveni o companie publică în 2004, dar Lyle, care a avut încredere în proiect încă de la început, a rămas profund dedicat şi a intrat în Consiliului de Administraţie al lui WPTE. El joacă un rol important în deciziile companiei priviind licenţierea produselor sale, difuzarea emisiunilor pe plan internaţional şi găsirea de noi modalităţi de a marketa un brand mereu în creștere, WPT.
Lyle Berman și-a câștigat existența păstrându-și mintea deschisă, făcând investiţii şi luând decizii de afaceri înţelepte. Prin aceste calităţi şi o imensă experienţă de viaţă, el a câştigat respectul lumii de afaceri şi a comunității pokerului, deopotrivă.
El a publicat recent o carte, numită în mod potrivit „I’m All In”. Autobiografia oferă o perspectivă completă asupra educaţiei lui, eticii muncii, familiei şi prietenilor săi, dar şi secretele vieții sale de succes de până acum.
Premii și Rezultate
A câștigat premiul B’nai B’rith Great American Traditions în 1995 și premiul Gaming Executive of the Year în 1996.
În 2005, Lyle Berman a concurat în competiția National Heads Up Championship. El s-a clasat pe locul cinci pierzând în fața campionului Phil Hellmuth Jr.
Deşi preferă jocurile cash cu mize mari, din 2009 a câștigat peste 2.500.000$ din turnee de poker live. Cele 16 intrări în bani ale sale de la WSOP însumează 1.446.317$ din aceste câştiguri. El a fost inclus în Poker Hall of Fame în 2002.
Potrivit cărţii lui James McManus, Positively Fifth Street, Berman l-a sponsorizat pe T.J. Cloutier în numeroase turnee de poker, inclusiv evenimentul principal WSOP 2000, unde acesta a terminat pe locul 2. Berman locuieşte în prezent în Plymouth, Minnesota şi are 4 copii.
Cele mai bune rezultate în poker:
16th Annual World Series of Poker Event #2 – WSOP Limit Hold’em |
2 |
68.400$ |
5 Mai, 1985 |
18th Annual World Series of Poker Event #7 – WSOP Pot Limit Omaha |
2 |
108.750$ |
6 Mai, 1987 |
2005 National Heads-Up Poker Championship No Limit Hold’em |
6 |
75.000$ |
5 Mar, 2005 |
20th Annual World Series of Poker Event #1 – WSOP Limit Omaha |
1 |
108.600$ |
1 Mai, 1989 |
20th Annual World Series of Poker Event #14 – WSOP World Championship – No Limit Hold’em |
5 |
67.950$ |
14 Mai, 1989 |
23rd Annual World Series of Poker Event #16 – WSOP No Limit Hold’em |
1 |
192.000$ |
7 Mai, 1992 |
25th Annual World Series of Poker Event #20 – WSOP No Limit Deuce to Seven Lowball |
1 |
128.250$ |
5 Mai, 1994 |
28th Annual World Series of Poker Event #16 – WSOP No Limit Deuce to Seven Lowball |
2 |
91.250$ |
4 Mai, 1997 |
31st Annual World Series of Poker Event #12 – WSOP No Limit Deuce to Seven Lowball |
2 |
81.250$ |
4 Mai, 2000 |
39th World Series of Poker 2008 Event #45 – WSOP H.O.R.S.E World Championship |
5 |
444.000$ |
25 Iun, 2008 |
41st World Series of Poker 2010 Event #2 – WSOP PLAYERS CHAMPIONSHIP. Omaha Hi/Lo Limit Hold’em, Seven Card Razz, Seven Card Stud, Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo, No Limit Hold’em, Pot Limit Omaha, 2-7 Triple Draw Lowball |
12 |
129.957$ |
28 Mai, 2010 |
World Poker Finals / WPT Event Season 4 WPT Main Event – No Limit Hold’em |
5 |
345.000$ |
18 Nov, 2005 |
WPT World Championship / WPT Event Season 5 WPT No Limit Hold’em Championship |
29 |
92.820$ |
27Apr, 2007 |
Adresă | Plymouth, Minnesota |
Data Nașterii | 6 August, 1941 (vârstă 72) |
World Series of Poker |
Brățări | 3 |
Finișuri în bani | 16 |
Cel mai bun rezultat ITM Main Event | Locul 5, 1989 |
World Poker Tour |
Titluri | Nu |
Mese Finale | 1 |
Finișuri în bani | 3 |