marți, 23 septembrie 2014

Louis XIII Casino & Hotel in Macau orders thirty Rolls RoycesLouis XIII Hotel & Casino din Macao a comandat 30 de masini Rolls Royce

The Louis XIII Hotel & Casino in Macau has ordered 30 Rolls-Royce Phantoms, the largest single order placed with the car manufacturer ever in order for the hotel and casino operator which is owned by entrepreneur Stephen Hung to drive their very special customers around Macau.

The new resort will be open in early 2016, which is named after the French king who started building the famed Palace of Versailles, the resort will boast a 20,000 square foot (1,860 square meter) villa billed as the world’s “most extravagant” hotel suite that will reportedly cost $130,000 a night.

In total the order of Phantoms will cost Louis XIII more than $20 million for the boutique casino and hotel with Rolls Royce also supplying chauffeur training for the vehicles which will feature external and internal gold-plated accents.

 Louis XIII Hotel & Casino din Macao a comandat nu mai putin de 30 de masini Rolls-Royce Phantom, aceasta fiind cea mai mare comanda plasata producatorului de automobile. Masinile vor fi puse la dispozitie de catre operatorul de hotel si cazino, detinut de Stephen Hung, clientilor VIP care vor fi plimbati cu acestea in Macao si imprejurimi.

Noul resort se va deschide la inceputul anului 2016 si va purta numele regelui francez care a inceput constructia vestitului Palat Versailles. Piesa de rezistenta a hotelului va fi vila in suprafata de 1860 mp, care este deja cotata ca fiind cel mai extravagant spatiu de cazare din lume si a carei inchiriere va costa aproximativ $130,000/noapte.

Costul total al celor 30 de masini va depasii $20 milioane, compania care produce masinile Rolls-Royce va oferii si training soferilor care vor conduce masinile, masini ce vor avea la interior si exterior elemente placate cu aur.

Author: Editor

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