Loterie cu 7500 de euro pusi la bataie in Casino Princess Planet / 7500 Euros lottery prize at stake in Casino Princess Planet
Casino Princess Planet a gazduit pe data de 16 ianuarie o incitanta loterie, cand a organizat o seara speciala pentru clientii iubitori de voie buna si, mai ales, pentru cei care au vrut sa-si exploateze norocul. Astfel, incepand cu ora 21:00 si pana la ora 1:00, cu totii s-au intrecut sa castige premiile in valoare totala de 7.500 euro puse la bataie. Mai exact, premiul de la ora 21:00 a fost de 500 euro, cel de la ora 23:00 – de 1000 euro, iar la ora 1:00, cand au mai ramas in joc sase competitori, s-a anuntat castigatorul. Fericitul a pus mana pe 6000 de euro.
Cei care au stat pe margine, au avut si ei de castigat, cand printre mesele de joc si-au facut aparitia frumoasele manechine, ce au defilat in cadrul unei prezentari de lenjerie intima.
Casino Princess Planet hosted on 16th of January an exciting lottery game, while organizing a special night for the clients who were looking for a good time, but most of all, for those who wanted to try their luck. Thus, from 9 p.m. till 1 a.m., they all tried to win the prizes amounting 7500 Euros. To be more specific, the prize offered at 9 o’clock p.m. amounted 500 Euros, that offered at 11 p.m. 1000 Euros, whereas at 1 a.m., when only 6 people were left in the competition, the winner was finally declared. He was the lucky one who got 6000 Euros.
Those who just sat aside had their part of winnings, when some beautiful models started their walk among the tables, within a fashion show of women underwear.
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