sâmbătă, 26 iulie 2014

GTECH buy IGT for $4.7 billionGTECH cumpara IGT pentru $4,7 miliarde

It has been confirmed that lottery giant GTECH will buy slot machine maker International Game Technology (IGT) for $4.7 billion. The move by GTECH will help propel the company into the global gaming market.

The deal will include GTECH assuming the total net debt of IGT also, which stands at $1.7 billion.

IGT shareholders will receive a total of $18.25 per share in a combination of $13.69 in cash and 0.1819 ordinary share of the new company.

Both companies will combine and form a new holding company that will be based in the UK and have a sole listing in the New York Stock Exchange.

“With limited overlap in products and customers, the combined company will enjoy leading positions across all segments of the gaming landscape,” said GTECH Chief Executive Officer Marco Sala, who will become the CEO of the new company.

 A fost confirmat ca gigantul loteristic GTECH va cumpara compania producatoare de slot machine, International Game Technology (IGT) pentru suma de $4,7 miliarde. Aceasta miscare va ajuta propulsarea GTECH pe piata globala de gaming.

Achizitia include si asumarea de catre GTECH a datoriilor pe care IGT le are si care se ridica la $1,7 miliarde.

Actionarii IGT vor primii un total de $18,25 per actiune. Ambele companii vor fuziona formand astfel un nou holding cu sediul in UK si ale carei actiuni vor fi listate la bursa din New York.

„Cu aceasta suprapunere in cea ce priveste priveste produsele si clientii, nou infintata companie se va bucura de locul 1 pe toate segmentele peisajului din gaming” a declarat GTECH CEO Marco Sala, care va devenii CEO-ul nou infintatei companii.

Author: Editor

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