Gemini Sensa PlusTM, cel mai nou slot semnat Casino Tehnology / Gemini Sensa PlusTM, the newest upright cabinet from Casino Technology
Gemini Sansa PlusTM este un nou slot, cu o structura interioara si exterioara refacute, fiind totodata si cel mai bun produs Casino Technology ce a iesit pe piata pana acum. Componentele interioare sunt create pentru un uz si o intretinere mai bune, iar centrul de echilibru a fost mutat catre mijloc, pentru o mai buna stabilitate. O imbunatatire majora fata de modelele mai vechi este profilul subtire, ce permite plasarea acestor sloturi in sali mai restranse ca suprafata, imbunatatind asftel si profitabilitatea.
Gemini Sansa Plus se bazeaza pe mostenirea Casino Technology de a creea Alegerea usoara pentru dumneavoastra, iar aceasta reincarnare a seriei Gemini, a numelui si a experientei, este singura legatura dintre linia clasica si produsul nou.
Gemini Sensa Plus are un profil subtire, cu 100 mm mai putin decat la modele anterioare, un unghi larg de 22 de vizualizare al monitoarelor cu panorama si o suprafata de interactiune cu jucatorul cu un touch screen de 10; acesta este un mod de promovare, de entertainment si este in acelasi timp un panou prin care se poate urmari jucatorul. Alte imbunatatiri sunt butoanele de extraordinara calitate, plasate ergonomic, si senzorul auxiliar ce nu mai da batai de cap. Suportul de pahare personalizat este foarte usor de curatat.
Clasicul design Casino Technology poate fi recunoscut in toata lumea,datorita exteriorului colorat si modern. Noua platform` Tough Rider are un mecanism inovator si usor de folosit si totodata un display LCD. Principalele avantaje ale slotului sunt, printre altele, serviciile oferite datorita unitatii de hardware imbunatatita, retelei de circuit, operarii si service-ului, ce sunt complet facilitate; siguranta oferita de tehnologia avansata inserata in processor; confortul jucatorului-oferit de o varietate de noi facilitati; optiunea larga de personalizare posibilitatea de modificare in functie de nevoile operatorului, avand in vedere culoarea, texturile decorative din partea frontala, amplasamentul butoanelor, dispozitive periferice etc.
Specificatiile primare sunt: Monitor LCD Dual 22, display optional pentru promovare si pentru urmarirea jucatorului, tastatura incorporata, monitor cu senzori de atingere, bill acceptor (JCM sau MEI); acceptoare de monede si banknote; un sistem de sunet foarte puternic 2.1. s.a.
Un alt multigamer de la Casino Technology este cel mai nou lansat la IGE 2010 in Londra, Absolute Games, ce cuprinde jocuri din populara
serie Gamopolis. Deocamdata se poate lauda cu Gamopolis III, IV si V (versiunile urmatoare urmand sa apara in curand) si contine unele dintre
cele mai performante jocuri de sloturi Casino Technology, in combinatie cu cele mai noi si mai promitatoare jocuri ce asigura un mix important
de jocuri de slot, tinand cont de preferinta si alegerea jucatorului.
Gemini Sensa PlusTM is a brand new cabinet redesigned in and out to be the best yet Casino Technology product to hit the market. The inner components have been placed for best serviceability and maintenance, and the center of balance has been moved to the middle of the cabinet for improved stability. One major improvement over older models is the slender profile of the cabinet which will allow the placement of more cabinets in tighter halls, and improve profitability. Gemini Sensa Plus builds upon Casino Technology’s legacy of creating “The easy choice of product for you” and in this new reincarnation of the Gemini series the name and expertise is the only connection between the classic line and this brand new product.
Gemini Sensa PlusTM has a slender profile,100mm less from the dept than previous models, a crisp 22” wide viewing angle panorama monitors and an impressive player interaction area with 10” touch monitor for promotion, entertainment and as a player tracking panel. Other new features are the high-quality push buttons ergonomically placed and hassle-free sensor auxiliary buttons. The customizable cup-holder is easy to clean. The classic Casino Technology design can be recognized all-over the world wrapped in modern design and color. The new Tough RiderTM platform has an innovative and easy to use push-out mechanism and front panel diagnostic LED display.
The main advantages of the upright cabinet are among others the extreme serviceability – due to the highly improved hardware unit (see above), the installation, operation and servicing are totally facilitated; the security – provided by the advanced technology implemented in the CPU unit; the players comfort – provided by the range of new facilities and improvements; the large customization options – possibility of easy customization according to operators needs, in terms of design (color, decorative textures on the front door), button keyboard placement, peripheral devices, etc.
The Basic specifications are: crisp Dual 22” Panorama LCD displays; optional 10 ” display for player tracking and promotion, built in the keyboard panel; touch screen; bill acceptors (JCM or MEI); coin acceptor and hopper; player tracking ready; printer ready; powerful sound system 2.1.
Another multi-game line from Casino Technology, is the newest launched at IGE 2010 in London ABSOLUTE GAMES TM, featuring multi games from the popular GAMOPOLIS series. It currently includes GAMOPOLIS III, IV and V (with more version coming soon), featuring some of the best performing Casino Technology video slot games, combined with the most promising new releases, ensuring greater slot mix variety in terms of player choice and custom preferences.