Monday, 20 February 2023

Toys for gamblers – Stylish watches for real gamblers

Today, a watch is considered a sign of sophistication, trend jewelry by excellence. It’s a straightforward presentation of your style, it can express a lot about your tastes and lifestyle. I prefer a branded watch that attracts attention for its elegance and refinement. A unique accessory that denotes elegant style, expresses seriousness and shows attention to detail. And I couldn’t agree more, it’s a long-term investment.



In 2023, smartwatches are taking over the market and many of us are using them in our daily lives. But classic watches remain a symbol of distinction and personality. There are watches I can afford and watches I dream about…if I win the lottery or some big prize poker tournament.

Stylish watches for players, watches that impress

There are clocks where you can access your favorite casino game. Hold`em (Poker), Roulette, Black-Jack, Baccarat, the most attractive (and expensive) being produced by Mr. Claret. Poker was, in fact, the first of the players’ watches launched by Manufacture Claret. While the game seems simple to organize on a table, its version of clocks was an extreme test and no technical solution was found until the first dedicated clock appeared.

While the first prototype appeared in 2011, it took two years to perfect the table. Designing the game gear and putting the mechanics into practice – in other words, orchestrating a complete 52-card game perfectly following the rules of poker – is a truly impressive achievement. In total, poker has 32,768 different combinations, or 98,304 combinations for three players. The odds have been calculated so that everyone has roughly the same chance of winning, because three players can play on this clock at the same time.

Further developments of other games followed, the models becoming unique and representing in an exclusive style the class, distinction and refinement of the players.

We must also mention Jacob & Co. Astronomy Gambler a unique watch that inspires and provokes adrenaline-filled sensations. A watch priced at a dreamy $620,000. Like the other versions in the collection, the Astronomia Gambler houses a fascinating universe beneath the glass dome that incorporates a lacquered magnesium globe and an exceptional, 288-faceted Jacob-cut diamond that rotates around the dial in 10 minutes and over the dial’s axis in 30 seconds.

Have fun, be responsible, dress how you feel and wear your watch with attitude, because your watch is a sign of distinction and style. And, don’t forget, read Casino Inside magazine!

Author: Editor

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