EDITORIAL – 2024 promises to be interesting
This issue gives the pulse of our industry ahead of ICE 2024. In February, we’ll forget the daily hustle and bustle for a few days and focus on the future and business. Let’s have a prolific ICE! In the Cover Story APONJN (ASSOCIATION OF NON-FAFFILIATED GAMBLING PARTY AND ORGANISERS) tells us its ideas and plans for a gaming industry as part of the entertainment industry. M247 returns to the pages of our magazine with an...
MORE! ICE London 2024, it’s all about MORE!
Stuart Hunter, Managing Director Clarion Gaming, explains why ICE 2024 will be an historic occasion and is not be missed! This is last edition of ICE in London. What are the stand-out features and what does the show comprise? Taking into account ICE and its sister show iGB Affiliate all of the space available at ExCeL London has been sold. In addition to our circa 700 exhibitors we will also have a record number of sponsors, media and...
ICE London 2023 will be the biggest exhibition ever
Stuart Hunter, managing director of Clarion Gaming looks ahead to what will be the biggest edition of ICE on record Every year Casino Inside magazine brings you its traditional interview with the managing director of Clarion Gaming about what this year’s ICE London is expected to be like. And the news is great news for all of us, the largest exhibition dedicated to the gaming industry in the world is set to be the biggest ICE...
ICE London 2022 was the biggest, most comprehensive and most international gambling exhibition to take place since the previous edition of ICE in February 2020
A very interesting interview, as our magazine do from 12 years, where would we like to present to our readers important data about how was ICE London 2022, with the contribution of the CEO of Clarion Events, Mr. Stuart Hunter, who had the kindless to respond to our questions and from which we found for you that how was ICE London 2022 in terms of numbers/percentages and impresions and what Clarion prepare for next ICE which will be on...
ICE London is the biggest and most influential business event in world gaming
Stuart Hunter, Managing Director Clarion Gaming, had the pleasure to respond at our invitation to do our traditional interview, I can say, about ICE London 2022. We discussed about Clarion’s decision to do this ICE in April and about the conditions of participation considering the covid situation. Also Stuart told us about importance to come back to in-person events and, of course, we tried to find out much more about what is going to...