Gambling in the Metaverse
I told you earlier this year in an article called Trends in Online Gambling in 2023, that more and more casinos are starting to operate in the Metaverse and that there are more and more customers who, through the interplay of avatar and Virtual Reality, are starting to have fun online. What is the Metaverse? In short, the Metaverse is a digital place created on the internet, online, where things that exist in real life find a...
Casino 2.0: Integrating blockchain technology and crypto-assets into the gambling industry
Context Due to the rapid adoption of blockchain technology and crypto-assets (e.g., bitcoin, NFTs – non-fungible tokens, utility tokens, etc.), it’s essential to assess the potential impact of these on the gambling industry. This global trend towards blockchain adoption prompts the question: Is there a need or opportunity for a paradigm shift in the gambling industry? The DeFi (Decentralised Finance) sector, a decentralized...
A glimpse into the future: can Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology become a part of gambling industry?
With the development of new technologies (that are characterized by versatility and adaptability) to perform an array of diverse functions and tasks, it is no surprise that these technologies have started to be integrated, but also to attract interest of business operators, within multiple industries. A more than ever digitalized gambling industry, for which fast and secure transactions represent not only a key element, but also a...