Editorial – Games are made…to have fun!
Se spune ca, adesea, cazinourile reprezinta o destinatie pentru oamenii bogati, atrasi in primul rand nu atat de mirajul unui castig imediat, cat de un sentiment de aventura, dublat de un anumit gust al riscului.
Se mai spune ca, daca chiar vrei sa castigi la jocuri, trebuie sa fii ori patronul unui cazinou. Si ca, la fel ca bancile, cazinourile nu pierd niciodata.
De asemenea, cazinourile sunt privite ca adevarate fabrici de spalat bani. Cam la astfel de mituri si prejudecati se reduce discutia atunci cånd vine vorba de cazinouri. Cine stie sa gandeasca mai departe de aceste limite, va putea descoperii si alte lucruri. Nu exista partea plina a paharului, nu exista cealalta fata , ci exista puterea de a vedea cazinoul ca pe inca o modalitate de a-ti petrece timpul liber, de a te distra, de a jongla putin cu intuitia, cu norocul, de a discerne intre patoligie si amuzament.
Ce e rau in a spera, in a visa, in a te distra?
Lumea jocurilor de noroc e inepuizabila in acest sens, e cea care starneste invingatorul latent din fiecare dintre noi.
Desigur, placerea de a paria si emotia pana la final face parte din regula, dar si din pretul jocului.
Si, in niciun caz, nu umple golul sufletesc sau nu rezolva o problema de viata. Ludomania e pentru cei slabi; jocul, in adevaratul lui sens, e pentru cei care privesc viata deschis, cu tot felul de provocari amuzante; norocul e pentru cei care nu cred in el, ci in modul rational de a-l accepta.
Asadar, poftiti la joc, incep pariurile!
It is often said that casinos are the attraction place of wealthy people, who are attracted in the first place by the spirit of adventure and by risks, rather than the immediate benefit.
It is also said that, if one wants to win when gambling, that one has to own the casino. And that just like the banks, casinos never lose. Moreover, casinos are supposed to be the “money laundry” places. These are in short, the myths and preconceptions of these places. But who keeps his/her minds outside the box, can discover many other things. There is no bright side of the story, no other face of the coin, but the ability to see the casino as another way to spend your leisure time, to have fun, to juggle with your intuition, to try your luck, to make the difference between pathology and amusement.
Where there is the “no no” in dreaming, in hoping, in having fun? Game world is endless in this perspective, it is the one that brings out the winner in each of us.
It is for sure that the pleasure in betting and the emotion is part of the rule, but also part of the price of the game. It is under no circumstance, the cure of life problems or of heart aches. Ludomania is for the weak ones; the game, the real game, is for those who view life openly, who see the challenges; luck is not for those who don’t believe in it, but believe in the rational way of accepting it.
Therefore, game on! The bets are made!