miercuri, 16 februarie 2011

Edito – Thank you!Editorial – Multumim!

Thank you!

When Casino Inside began, few were the ones who gave a chance to the project! Yet, we have created a standard regarding the gambling publishing, but also a benchmark for a successful marketing product.

Within one year, Casino Inside has succeeded exceeding all the expectations of the gambling market in Romania imposing new professional and quality standards. Our magazine also brought new subjects to the public, as the media product with the best content that answers the communication requests of its clients through the exposure, as well as through distribution, and, moreover, through its message.

That is why we would like to thank you all for your support. Without you, casino Inside would not exist. As I said before, Casino Inside magazine is the mirror of the Romanian gambling industry, it is your magazine, you are making it! We just rely on your demands and needs. Thank you, supporters, you have been close to us since the beginning, you have trusted us and our project. We would also like to thank our backbiters, critics, and those who said “you have no chance”

You, the ones flinging dirt to us, are the ones who made the people in the industry aware of our existence. You, the ones spitting venom, you, the ones revealing your mercantile character and shallow deeds, we thank you!

We would also like to thank the entire team for the effort, for the great writings and creation, for the inspired articles, for the sleepless nights and mornings when we would wake up with the smile and said : “we did it!”

Not the last, we would like to thank the readers of Casino Inside magazine, thank you for the large number, thank you for letting us know what is right and what is wrong, for guiding us towards interesting subjects and show the way to success. The benefit is ours, gambling, poker, casino entertainment, and betting or bingo lovers

You, our readers, are the gods we bow to every day, each number, we hear your requests and take your advice into consideration. We are happy to receive your feedback, since a good thing is made of mistakes, too. We receive your critics, please let us know what you like or dislike to our magazine. At the same time we wish to have your ideas coming towards us, we want to know your point of view about what we should change or improve… without you and your opinion Casino Inside cannot offer too much, or less than we have held forth.

Casino Inside magazine thanks you all.Multumim!

Cand a demarat proiectul Casino Inside putina lume ii acorda o sansa si cu toate acestea am reusit sa cream un etalon in ceea ce priveste publishingul in gambling, dar si un reper de produs de marketing de succes.

Intr-un an de existenta, Casino Inside a reusit sa intreaca toate asteptarile pietei de gambling din Romania si a impus noi standarde de profesionalism si de calitate. De asemenea, revista noastra a adus noi subiecte in atentia publicului sau, fiind produsul media cu continutul cel mai bine gandit si care a raspuns nevoilor de comunicare ale clientilor sai atat prin forma de expunere, prin distributie, dar mai ales prin mesajul transmis.

De aceea va multumim tuturor pentru suportul pe care ni-l oferiti. Fara voi, Casino Inside nu ar exista. Asa cum am spus de la bun inceput revista Casino Inside este oglinda industriei de gambling romanesti, este revista voastra, voi o realizati! noi doar ne supunem cerintelor voastre. Multumim sustinatorilor nostri, cei care ne-au sprijinit de la inceput si care au avut incredere in noi si in proiectul nostru. De asemenea, multumim si detractorilor nostri, criticilor nostri si tuturor acelora care au prevazut ca “nu aveti nici o sansa”.

Voi, cei care nu faceti decat sa ne improscati cu noroi, sunteti aceia care ne-ati ridicat in constiinta oamenilor din industrie, voua, cei care v-ati aratat fata hidoasa si ati scuipat venin, voi, cei care ne-ati dezvaluit tuturor caracterul mercantil si faptele superficiale si lipsite de consistenta, voua va multumim!

Multumim tuturor membrilor echipei Casino Inside pentru efortul depus, pentru creatiile reusite, pentru textele inspirate, pentru noptile nedormite si diminetile in care ne trezeam cu zambetul pe buze si in care ne spuneam: am reusit!

Nu in ultimul rand, dar mai ales voua, cititorilor revistei Casino Inside, va multumim pentru numarul mare in care ne cititi, ne transmiteti ce este bine si ce este rau, ne ghidati catre subiecte interesante si ne aratati calea catre succes. Castigul este al nostru, al tuturor acelora care adora gamblingul, pokerul, entertainmentul de casino, pariul…sau jocul de bingo.

Voi, cititorii nostri, sunteti zeii carora ne supunem si ingenunchem zi de zi, editie de editie, va ascultam doleantele si tinem cont de parerile voastre. Transmiteti in continuare catre noi feedbackul vostru, deoarece un lucru bun se realizeaza facand si greseli – criticati-ne si spuneti-ne ce nu va place la revista noastra. In acelasi timp ne dorim sa vina dinspre voi, cititorii Casino Inside, pareri constructive despre ce anume trebuie sa mai imbunatatim in cadrul continutului editorial si nu numai, pentru ca fara voi si punctul vostru de vedere revista Casino Inside nu poate oferi decat prea putin, insuficient fata de ce ne-am propus.

Revista Casino Inside va multumeste tuturor!



Author: Editor

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