PokerStars Pro Team won five WSOP braceletsEchipa Pokerstars Pro a câştigat cinci brăţări WSOP
The members of Team PokerStars Pro ruled the 42nd annual edition of World Series of Poker. Eugene Katchalov, Bertrand ‘ElkY’ Grospellier, Jason Mercier, Andre Akkari and Maxim Lykov won the most wanted WSOP bracelet. Through their Ukrainean, French, American, Brazilian and Russian representatives, the PokerStars team totalized a 2,38 million dollars winnings at this years’s championship, winning tournaments at Texas Hold’em, Omaha and Stud – basic styles of poker.Membrii Team PokerStars Pro au luat cu asalt cea de-a 42-a ediţie anuală a World Series of Poker! Eugene Katchalov, Bertrand ‘ElkY’ Grospellier, Jason Mercier, Andre Akkari şi Maxim Lykov şi-au adjudecat fiecare în parte câte o mult-râvnită brăţară WSOP. Prin reprezentanţii săi din Ucraina, Franţa, SUA, Brazilia, respectiv Rusia, echipa PokerStars Pro a totalizat câştiguri de 2,38 milioane USD la campionatul de anul acesta, câştigând turnee de Texas Hold’em, Omaha şi Stud – variante de bază ale jocului de poker.