European sales team at Suzo-Happ Group reflects new focus and opportunitiesDepartamentul european de vânzări al Suzo-Happ Group, restructurat
Harald Wagemaker promoted to Sales Director, Lou Rudolph joins team
The Suzo-Happ Group is the company most strongly positioned in the industry to support the industry needs for spares and components. The further diversification of gaming markets around the globe places a real challenge on component and spares suppliers. Manufacturers are turning more and more to suppliers with a global focus to reflect their own company strategies. This strategy – coupled with the long-standing excellent reputation for quality, service and pricing of the Suzo-Happ Group – not only has made the Suzo-Happ Group the number one international spares and component supplier to the gaming and amusement industries but also explains the further company growth.
The Suzo-Happ Group demonstrates its commitment by supporting both manufacturers and end users. New products are thus welcomed more quickly to the market and new ideas can be researched and then developed into next generation products which fit the operator requirements. An ever-growing research and development department in Europe makes use of the high-tech production site in China. Therefore, the Suzo-Happ Group is in the position to not only supply the industry with the largest and highest quality choice of spares and components – Suzo-Happ can also manufacture components specifically for manufacturers – thus opening the door to production in China and managed completely by Suzo-Happ. Naturally the products and solutions of the Suzo-Happ Group are spreading to new markets as well.
The European (EMEA) sales management team has been restructured to reflect this focus. Mr. Harald Wagemaker has been promoted to Sales Director. Mr. Wagemaker has already amassed experienced as sales director with responsibility for personnel, products, distributors and naturally mastering growth strategies for internationally-renown companies such as Epson and will be making strong use of his experience in his new position.
Mr. Lou Rudolph has joined Suzo-Happ as Regional Sales Manager with responsibility for OEM sales to Italy, Greece and Eastern Europe. Mr. Rudolph previously supported JCM as Sales Manager and interim Sales Director in Europe. With such technical and commercial expertise, Mr. Rudolph is a strong addition to the expanding sales team. Furthermore, Mr. Rudolph (originally from Chicago in the USA) has many years of working in the amusement industry, having worked at industry-leading companies such as Merit Industries and Global VR.
Mr. Marcel Oelen, Managing Director for the Suzo-Happ Group EMEA, comments, “The Suzo-Happ Group has grown to be the preferred spares and component supplier to the gaming and amusement markets on a global scale. Our future is very bright given the additional opportunities as an OEM supplier and new markets we are reaching out to. The changes we have made to our sales management team correspond perfectly to our strategy”.
Compania Suzo-Happ Group vine în întâmpinarea nevoilor industriei de gaming pentru piese de schimb și componente. Diversificarea piețelor de gaming de pe întreg mapamondul reprezintă o provocare pentru furnizorii de astfel de piese. Strategia de operare și reputația pentru servicii de calitate și prețuri accesibile a companiei fac din Suzo-Happ Group principalul furnizor internațional de componente pentru industria de gaming și divertisment.
Suzo-Happ Group susține atât producătorii, cât și utilizatorii finali. Noi produse sunt introduse rapid pe piață și ideile inovatoare beneficiază de cercetare și sunt apoi dezvoltate în produse de nouă generație, care satisfac cerințele operatorilor. Un departament de cercetare din Europa colaborează cu cel de producție aflat în China. Prin urmare, companie nu numai că furnizează produse de calitate, dar le și produce. Soluțiile oferite de Suzo-Happ Group se extend pe noi piețe.
Echipa europeană de management al vânzărilor a fost restructurată pentru a reflecta activitatea companiei, Harald Wagemaker fiind promovat în poziția de Sales Manager. De asemenea, Lou Rudolph a fost numit Regional Sales Manager, ocupându-se de vânzările din Italia, Grecia și Europa de Est.