joi, 25 august 2016

PRESS RELEASE – NSoft releases new virtual games on SEVEN Platform to Superbet COMUNICAT DE PRESA – NSoft lanseaza jocuri virtuale noi pe platforma Seven pentru Superbet

We are extremely satisfied with the fact our market share in Romania is growing, and our partners are happy with the performance of the games. Since strive for progress is ever present here at NSoft, we are proud to inform you of our latest SEVEN Platform achievement.

Our customer, Superbet, whose launch was on February 18, 2016 and very soon reached the sky-high number of tickets, now has something more to offer to its players.

Six new virtual games for web have been launched on SEVEN Platform: Lucky X, Greyhound Races, Virtual Greyhound Races, Virtual Horse Races, Virtual Tennis Open and Virtual Football League, which are fully adjusted for Sportbet web and are something new players can enjoy in.

This was a demanding project that included many people and, once again, NSoft has shown the power of SEVEN Platform and proved its maturity and technical capabilities and will carry on doing so in the future.Suntem extrem de satisfacuti de cresterea cotei noastre de piata in Romania, totodata partenerii nostri sunt extrem de multumiti de cresterea performantelor jocurilor noastre. Pentru ca dorinta de progres este intodeauna prezenta la Nsoft, sutem mandrii sa va informam despre ultimele realizari ale Platformei SEVEN.

Clientul nostru, Superbet, care si-a lansat operatiunile online pe 18 Februarie 2016, a ajuns rapid la un numar extrem de mare de tichete vandute online, are acum mai multe de oferit jucatorilor

Sase noi jocuri virtuale pentru web au fost lansate pe Platforma SEVEN: Lucky X, Greyhound Races, Virtual Greyhound Races, Virtual Horse Races, Virtual Tennis Open si Virtual Football League, aestea sunt adaptate pentru platforma Superbet oferind un plus de noutate jucatorilor.

A fost un proiect pretentios  care a implicat o multime de oameni, inca odata NSoft a aratat puterea Platformei SEVEN demonstrand maturitatea si capabilitatea tehnica de care echipa a dat dovada si cu siguranta o va mai arata in viitor,

Author: Editor

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