Cina perfecta a la Casa Vernescu / The perfect dinner – Casa Vernescu style, for the loyal clients of Casino Palace
Cina perfecta a la Casa Vernescu, pentru clientii fideli ai Casino Palace
Clientii Casino Palace au fost rasplatiti pentru fidelitatea lor cu un adevarat festin culinar si un show pe masura. Evenimentul, primul din seria The Event Diner in Town, a avut loc vineri, 29 ianuarie, la restaurantul Casa Vernescu aflat in incinta cazinoului.
Invitatii Casino Palace au savurat un meniu rafinat din care nu au lipsit delicatese precum somon si lup de mare marinate cu portocale si lamai, antricot de vita cu sos de piper, servit cu cartofi Chateau cu mac, file de halibut si creveti serviti pe pat de sparanghel verde etc. Si, pentru ca acest eveniment a avut tema „Latino Emotions”, show-ul sustinut de Elena Gheorghe a fost inca un argument forte pentru o seara deosebita.
The clients of Casino Palace were rewarded for their fidelity with a great culinary feast and a greater show. This event, which was the first out of “The Event Dinner in Town” series, took place on January 29th, in Casa Vernescu, from within the casino. The guests enjoyed a refined menu with delicacies like salmon, marinated sea wolf with orange and lemons, beef with pepper sauce and served with poppy potatoes and Chateau, halibut fillets, shrimps served on a blanket of green asparagus etc.
And because the theme of this event was “Latino Emotions”, the show of Elena Gheorghe was the extra needed spice for a special evening.
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