BAUM GAMES The only Romanian producer exhibiting on ICE 2011 BAUM GAMES singurul producator roman care a expus la ICE 2011
With their own stand since 2010, the Romanians from Baum Games kept the standards up on 2011 launching new formulas for Dracula’s games.
On their second participation to ICE, Baum Games kept the standards up, and presented a new product, as any producing company in the industry. After exhibiting in Bucharest, Dracula’s games 1, in London, Baum presented the most recent product- Dracula’s Games 2
If on the first formula we found 8 games, games with 5 or 9 lines and 3 or 5 rolls, Dracula’s Games 2 has games with more lines, 10 or 20. This improvement has been made by the company in order to keep up with the international trends. They are willing to develop games with 40 or more lines, as well as 4 symbols on the roll. Dracula’s Games has an improved design, with Egyptian, Greek and Amerindian themes.
Baum Games is happy to respond all the challenges coming from inside or outside the country, according to the fact that it has a great pro team, open minded, ready to take action and meet the needs of the international market, trying, why not, to be one stept ahead the other players within the gambling industry.
Dracula Brand is very well received on the international market and we believe a part of the success has developed on behalf of the brand, but the quality of the product completes it.
If last year the product of Baum Games was a curiosity, Dracula’s Game and Dracula’s Jackpot, on their second participation within ICE, became certitude in the eyes of the visitors
According to the statement of David Coldea, sales manager, ICE 2011 comes with an increasing number of contacts and visitors compared with 2010. This means the world gambling industry began to overrun the crisis of the last two years. Baum games found the necessary ports towards the most important operators on the gambling market in Europe, Asia, South America and even North America.
“According to our observation, the main trumps of the gaming systems are quality and price, thus a complete Dracula’s Games equipment costs 35000 euros”, declares David Coldea for Casino Inside
Baum Games exhibited on ICE 2011 and with Dracula’s Jackpot, a progressive mystery jackpot, with 4 values, different premiere types, and pleasant animation, a system easy to manage and settled.
The main product exhibited at ICE has been 6 games Dracula’s Games plus Dracula’s Jackpot dual face, with a total value of 30.000 euros.
Baum Games is also willing to complete the needs of the clients on the Romanian market with a system made of two Dracula’s Games slots machines and a Dracula Jackpot system on a total value of 10.000 euros.
Watching the exhibition, we can say that the most important issues on which the company Baum Games focuses on are seriousness, young team, original Romanian product, and extremely competitive prices on the Romanian as well as on the international market; maybe the most important aspect is the management of the company and the availability towards new challenges.
The participation to ICE 2011 comes with the promise of continuing the exhibition process in the future, to the fair in Athens and of course in Bucharest, in the fall. We are certain Baum Games will continue exhibiting to ICE 2012. Prezenti la ICE cu stand propriu inca din 2010, romanii de la BAUM GAMES nu au dezamagit nici in 2011 lansand noi variante de jocuri DRACULA’S GAMES
Fiind deja la a doua participare la ICE, Baum Games a fost la inaltime, prezentandu-se ca orice companie producatoare care se respecta cu un nou produs. Dupa ce a prezentat la targul de specialitate din Bucuresti, Dracula’s Games 1, la Londra, Baum a prezentat cel mai nou produs al lor si anume Dracula’s Games 2.
Daca la Dracula’s Games (prima varianta) gaseam 8 jocuri pe placa, jocuri cu 5 sau 9 linii si 3 sau 5 role, la Dracula’s Games 2 diferenta consta in faptul ca au fost adaugate alte jocuri cu mai multe linii, respective 10 sau 20. Acest salt a fost facut din dorinta celor de la Baum de a tine pasul si a se alinia cu tendintele internationale, iar in viitor cei de la Baum Games isi propune se dezvolte jocuri noi cu 40 de linii sau mai multe si cu patru simboluri pe rola. De asemenea pentru Dracula’s Games 2 designul a fost imbunatatit mergandu-se pe teme grecesti, egiptene si amerindiene.
Baum Games se bucura sa raspunda oricarei provocari venita din tara sau strainatate, avand in vedere ca echipa este una bine sudata si foarte adaptabila la nou, la cerintele pietei interne sau internationale, incercand, de ce nu, sa fie cu un pas inaintea celorlalti jucatori din piata producatorilor de jocuri de noroc.
Brandul Dracula este foarte bine receptat pe piata internationala si credem ca o parte din reusita Baum Games se datoreaza brandului, insa calitatea produsului reuseste sa-l completeze cu succes.
Daca anul trecut produsul cu care s-a prezentat Baum Games a fost privit cu o oarecare curiozitate, cu siguranta ca Dracula’s Games si Dracula’s Jackpot, acum la cea de a doua participare la ICE, a devenit o certitudine in ochii vizitatorilor prezenti la targ.
Potrivit declaratilor domnului David Coldea, directorul de vanzari al Baum Games, ICE 2011 vine in primul rand cu o crestere a numarului de contacte si vizitatori prin comparatie cu anul 2010, ceea ce inseamna ca industria mondiala de gambling a inceput sa iasa din criza in care s-a cufundat in ultimi doi ani. Baum Games a reusit ca odata cu aceasta participare sa gaseasca deschidere la importanti operatori de pe pietele de gambling din Europa, Asia, America de Sud si chiar America de Nord.
“Conform observatilor noastre, principalele atu-uri ale sistemelor de joc Dracula’s Games, sunt calitatea si pretul, astfel ca o masina completa Dracula’s Games costa 3500 euro” a declarat pentru revista Casino Inside, domnul David Coldea – directorul de vanzari al Baum Games.
Baum Games a fost prezent la ICE 2011 si cu Dracula’s Jackpot, un jackpot mystery progressive, cu 4 valori, diferite tipuri de premiere, animatie foarte placuta, un sistem foarte usor de setat si manageriat.
Principalul produs expus la ICE a fost un sistem de 6 jocuri Dracula’s Games plus Dracula’s Jackpot dual face, cu un pret total de 30.000 euro.
De asemenea, Baum Games vine in intampinarea clientilor de pe piata romaneasca cu un sistem format din doua slot machine Dracula’s Games si un sistem Dracula Jackpot la un cost aproximativ de 10.000 euro.
Dupa cele vazute la ICE putem spune ca punctele forte ale companiei Baum Games sunt seriozitatea, tineretea echipei, produs original romanesc, pretul extreme de competitiv pentru piata romaneasca si internationala si poate cel mai important aspect este managementul companiei si deschiderea acestora spre nou.
Participarea la ICE 2011 a companiei Baum Games vine cu promisiunea participarii in viitor la targul de la Atena si desigur in toamna la Bucuresti, de asemenea suntem siguri ca Baum Games va continua traditia prezentelor la ICE si in 2012.